Setting up a personal website with Hugo and Cloudflare Pages

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So recently I decided that I really needed an easy workflow for my website, since I just wanted to write blog posts without needing to worry about site deployments. I ended up using Hugo and Cloudflare Pages to do so, which automatically deploys my website as soon as I push to my Git repository.

First, some background…

Hugo is a site generator, that can create static sites simply from a folder of files, with support for markdown. This makes the website very portable without a database to worry about, and so it can easily be hosted from a Git repository. Markdown support also makes blogging very easy!

Cloudflare Pages is a service to quickly deploy websites on Cloudflare’s infrastructure, and is free (with some restrictions). Deployment is completely automated, and can be triggered from new commits in a Git repository.

Getting started ๐Ÿ”—

First, create a Git repository on either GitLab or GitHub to host the source files for your website.

Then, clone the repository to your machine:

git clone
cd your-repo

Now, we need to install Hugo locally in order to have access to the CLI tool. See this page on instructions for how to install.

With the CLI tool installed, we now create the website from the root of the repo:

hugo new site new-site-name
mv new-site-name/* ./
rm -rf new-site-name

Follow the Hugo quickstart in order to finish the initial website setup.

Now, push your changes to the remote repository:

git add .
git commit -m "add initial site files"
git push

Setting up the workflow ๐Ÿ”—

Now, we want to setup the Cloudflare Pages workflow.

Login to your Cloudflare account (or register, if you have not set one up already), and navigate to the Pages category on the left sidebar.

Click the Create a project->Connect to Git button, and enter the details for your created website repository. Then proceed to the next page.

On the build setup page, you can configure which branch you want Cloudflare to watch for updates, where new commits will trigger a deployment.

In the Build settings category, select the Hugo Framework preset, and use hugo as the build command.

Be sure to also set the HUGO_VERSION environment variable to the latest version (ex. 0.101.0, because the default version that Cloudflare uses is quite old. You can view the latest releases here.

Then, click Save and Deploy. The website should now be building, and Cloudflare will generate a link (ex. ) to a public version of the site for every commit.

If you have a domain already configured on Cloudflare, you can go to the Custom Domains tab for the page, and add a permanent domain that points to the latest version of the site!