TLDR: ProtectionStones is in maintenance mode, my interest in maintaining the project for free has waned as I have not hosted a Minecraft server for many years. I will still try my best to upgrade the plugin and fix critical issues when I have the time, but do not expect major updates or consistent support on the Discord channel. I am currently looking for a new maintainer, but it seems unlikely I will find one due to a lack of contributors.
There are some plans to have a more official blog post on the plasma-mobile.org, these are my personal ramblings below…
Plasma 6 is coming together nicely on the desktop!
Coming back from hiatus, I was pleasantly greeted by a much more working session than when I last saw it in May; I have now completely switched over to it on my main machine!
On the other hand, there is still a lot of work to do on mobile to prepare it for the Plasma 6 release in February.
I just wanted to give a somewhat of a personal update on how things are going.
As you may have noticed, I have been somewhat absent from Plasma Mobile development since March. It appears that not much has happened in the project while I was gone, a sombre reminder that there are not many maintainers left that do mobile work. 😓
It was around the time that Plasma 6 porting work really started to pick up, and where things were changing and breaking on a daily basis, which made it really hard for me to keep up.
This year, I had the amazing opportunity to attend Akademy in person (@ Barcelona) for the first time!
For context, I first started contributing to Plasma Mobile in 2020, right around when easily testable hardware (ex. PinePhone) was taking shape. I originally started with some contributions to some applications to learn Qt and C++, but have since then taken more responsibility with tasks from all around the software stack.
Talks 🔗We first had a welcome event on Friday where attendees got to know each other.
So recently I decided that I really needed an easy workflow for my website, since I just wanted to write blog posts without needing to worry about site deployments. I ended up using Hugo and Cloudflare Pages to do so, which automatically deploys my website as soon as I push to my Git repository.
First, some background…
Hugo is a site generator, that can create static sites simply from a folder of files, with support for markdown.
I am going to be attending Akademy 2022 in person!
This is my first time going to Akademy in-person, so it is quite exciting! I will be doing a talk with Bhushan on the state of Plasma Mobile.
A bit of background on my experience at KDE:
I first started contributing to KDE in 2020, creating the KClock project as a way to learn Qt Quick, and to pick up one of the pending tasks of Plasma Mobile.
hello again
My blog is up for real this time, now with Hugo…
i am here to soil the internet with my thoughts
Warning: This is something I wrote in high school and probably doesn’t make sense!
So I have recently finished making a beta of a SpigotMC plugin (ProtectionStones), and so I am going to share my thoughts on Java API development, from the ecosystem, to simply the structure of your program.
Do I need to develop an API for my project? 🔗Think about the use case of your project, and how large the codebase will be.
This website is still a work in progress, but I do hope to soon finish the basic outline soon. As for this blog, I do want to write about a healthy mix of topics, including music, code, and other fun stuff!
If you ever wanted to view the source code of this website, you can check it out here. I have not used Go before to write the front-end of a website, so it will be interesting to see how the code will look once the initial website is said and done.